Blue Star Series

23 Aug



Earth is on the verge of World War III… China has annexed Taiwan and other islands. Arab League has ousted the people of Israel, sending them away in ships. Militaries mount and prepare for war.

Year 2040, a space station appears in Earth‘s orbit. The station is twice the size of ISS and constructed with modules that are similar to Skylab and MIR. Confronted with the mysterious station built in the 20th century, the Western Space Administration sends a Special Forces team to investigate. But there is someone else interested in the station, backing the enemies of the West. It becomes a race between the western powers and the Chinese, Arab League and African Union.

Colonel Flagstaad is given command of a ragtag team of Special Forces. They train quickly for an operation in space with various representatives from France, Great Britain, Russia, Israel, Denmark, America and Mexico. Even a dog! The Colonel must grit his teeth while training along side a daughter-in-law who hates him, a doctor who irritates him, and a Special Forces team of silly fools.

An imposter walks among them.

What are the answers to this mysterious station? Is it the sign of the end of the world? Will this race to secure the Blue Star spark the beginning of WWIII?

Contains: adult themes, language, sexual terms and violence

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Double Eagle War
Double Eagle War

2032, the prophecies have caused riots and chaos.

Detectives Marx and Durst are caught up in a mystery of body parts that are washing up on Gulfport’s shores. After some investigation, they discover records of missing limbs ignored by their predecessors and the forgotten people missing around the world.

Their investigation leads them to a creepy stranger who is inquiring about a Double Eagle gold coin, the rarest coin on Earth. No one knows where this stranger comes from or why he is hot on the same trail as the Detectives.

In the southwest of the Navajo Nation, Officer Ankti struggles with his own mystery. The land is changing and there are strange tracks leading into the abandoned mines. Elder Peta Ptaysanwee tries to help Ankti understand his spiritual heritage but he can’t see it. He is lost in his own land.

But no one seems to be interested in the stranger or solving the loss limbs. All law enforcement agencies are caught up in cleaning up the city from the Camping prophecy hysteria. Chief of Police orders the two Detectives off the case, eventually suspending them.

A mother of a lost son pleads with Detective Fiona Marx to find the killer and bring her justice.

Two Detectives have to make a choice to go against their orders and chase the stranger across state lines, eventually to lead them into Arizona, in the Navajo Nation.

Bodies are piling up across the southern United States and it compels the detectives to follow the clues into the heart of ancient Earth’s secrets that only the gods foretold.

Will the stranger lead to the final answer about the murdered people through experimentation, the answers to the Double Eagle coin, the truth of Jenson’s followers, or bring them all to their doom?

This work contains, violence, adult situations and language.

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Fifth World
Fifth World

Trapped on Blue Star, two Special Forces are stranded in an alien solar system. At first, they were sent to secure the Blue Star space station for their nations but they quickly learned that they were not in control of their fates. An ambiguous race of small machines, the Scragg, have propelled the station to a planet and isolated the soldiers in the lower sections.

Colonel Flagstaad is determined to find a way back home for his soldiers. Their original enemy are prisoners laboring to repair the damaged Garuda space shuttle. The two enemies need to find a way to work together without killing each other, to eventually persuade the Scragg to send them home. But that mission would be difficult when some prisoners are conspiring against them.

To make the situation worse, the Colonel has a civilian that irritates him, a presumptuous Chinese Commander that annoys him and a French Professor that infuriates him. His daughter-in-law is an insolent Officer and his son is drifting away from him. He is surrounded by nagging frustrations that he cannot command to cease.

He remains stubborn, determined to force the Scragg to return them home, but the mischievous machines had something else in mind… They force the soldiers from the space station. The events lead them to crash on an alien world, the opposite of what he wanted.

Now, they are stranded on an alien world.

The soldiers explore its mysteries, but there is something familiar about it. The animals seem like creatures ripped from the pages of myth, legend and extinction. They hunt Griffins, fight off Balinese Tigers and watch Unicorns herd with American Buffalo. All of this is strange enough, without witnessing a Native American tribe living on the planet.

Still determined to find a way home, Colonel Flagstaad pushes forward to investigate the disappearance of the original scientists from the space station and learn the secrets of how to return home. Not even the eggheads can seem to slow down his steady march and stubborn focus.

Enter the Fifth World for the human race. The cycle has restarted. The end is near. The beginning is over. The exploration of this old world will bring into light the mysteries of Atlantis, Stonehenge, Nibiru, Hopi Prophecies and much more.

This book contains violence, adult situations and adult language.

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End of the World

The animals of myth and extinction have returned to Earth. The prophecies are coming to pass, from Revelations, to Nostradamus and Hopi.

The Earth is at war. World War III has erupted. Famine and disease is spreading. The governments are strained. Militaries are short on manpower. Resources are dwindling.

But there is hope…

Colonel Poul Flagstaad and the Phoenix have returned to Earth. The governments debrief them and separate the team. As each one returns to their nations, they are immediately sent on other missions. Immediately, they are conflicted, each one struggling with the need to follow duty or to make choices contrary to their orders that will save lives for the better.

The innocent, the poor and the displaced are stranded. Some seek protection at the spiritual monuments of the world. Beneath each monument are portals that can take them to the safety of Fifth World. But there is only one group that can successfully open the portals.

Across the Atlantic, Vice Admiral Gunner leads a ragtag fleet led by Coast Guard and supplemented with military and civilian contractors. Fighting through procedural problems and helicopter accidents, he must guide the Urda’s mothball fleet into the Mediterranean Sea. Along the way, he saves many stranded civilians, collecting them under his protection.
He struggles to find a way to save the civilians while completing his mission.

Poul and his son Knud learn there are secret societies pushing them to secure portals that could reach Fifth World. These societies are controlling the war for their own means. The governments want the portals to manipulate the human race into one New World Order.
Poul needs to make a choice to follow his orders or defy them. He witnesses the suffering of the people and wonders about the morality of denying them a new life in an untouched world, or subject Fifth World to be scavenged for its resources for the benefit of the governments and corporations.

Will the human race survive the Apocalypse? Will the Phoenix rise from the ashes to enact good for the meek of the world, or will they follow orders and subject the people to their doom?

This book contains violence, adult situations and adult language.


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Restoration of Atlantis

A ragtag team of Special Forces chose to disobey orders and save the few refugees from the devastation. They used what knowledge they learned of the portals and helped the people to cross into Fifth World. Thousands were saved by the selfless acts of disobedient soldiers.

Colonel Flagstaad and Vice Admiral Gunner led the remaining survivors into the Bermuda Triangle. Gunner Mech opened the portal so they could enter, and then the Urda’s Well fleet pulled into Fifth World. The meek, the poor and the refugees from society’s corruption had arisen from the ashes, transported across space to inherit a new world.

End of the world prophecies came true, just not necessarily the way people expected.

Poul Flagstaad has returned to Fifth World, but this time, with his entire family.

Fifth World is a paradise for all people to partake in its bounty… but there is a problem. The last of Jenson’s followers still occupy the Avernus Temple. Their control of the portal has interfered with Gunner Mech’s and the Caretaker’s ability to bring over the last refugees from Earth. Thousands of people wait at the beach sands of Antarctica to be welcomed into the new paradise.

Once again, Colonel Flagstaad and his team are asked to assist in the problem, but they must ask the Samyra permission before entering the sacred temple. The Avernus Temple has been off limits to foreigners for many ages since the deities abandoned it.

The Phoenix rig a yacht to sail upstream. They rename it Yggdrasil. They must travel the foreign land, fight off mythical creatures and navigate around fantastic places. They are unevenly matched; their contemporary weapons are ineffectual to the magic of Fifth World.

Discover the answers to Fifth World, rediscover old mysteries and learn the answers to the human race’s cyclical history.

This book contains violence, adult situations and adult language.


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Lonely House

Jennifer Alexander was searching for a new life. She packed her possessions and set out to find a job in a new city. During a heavy thunderstorm, she is detoured from the highway and led towards an abandoned house on top of a plateau.

This house is not ordinary, packed with antique furniture from decades ago. The technology is antiquated. The house appears to be abandoned but there is evidence that someone had once lived there recently.

The thunderstorm drives many people to seek the comfort of the house, a family of three, a manager, a female couple, an old man and a couch potato. The heavy rains strand them there, some of their cars falling off the cliff in mudslides. The house is like a time capsule of 70s and 80s furniture and items, except there does not appear to be any outlets or phone jacks.

On the first night, strange sounds scare the new residents, odd and spooky noises. The following morning, they discover someone missing. After searching the house, they are clueless as to how and why the person disappeared. People are frightened that something haunts the house and seeks out to harm them.

Thomas Dreckerd is the only person that does not believe in ghosts; he is determined to learn the answers to the disappearances and the source of the noises. Jennifer grooms an attraction to Thomas and follows him on his exploration of the house’s many mysteries.

As people continue to disappear, the mystery intensifies. The other residents begin to blame Jennifer. The others turn against her after several days of pummeling thunderstorms continue.

Jennifer and the others realize that they are not the only ones in the house. There are secrets. But something else lingers. Will they be able to stop what is happening? Or will they each be doomed to fate?

This story is set in the Blue Star Series universe but it hangs independent from the epic story. This story relates to a specific marker mentioned in Restoration of Atlantis. It is a haunted mystery and romance with science fiction elements.

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Peta Ptaysanwee

Follow the story of Navajo Elder Peta Ptaysanwee as he discovers the truth about Mech and the Blue Star space station. His past and future are molded like the copper bowl that he uses to tune the portals. Learn the history and events leading up to the end of the world and the beginning of the new one.

The Blue Star Assembly forms and follow the Blue Dragons as they help save refugees and the displaced escape into Fifth World. The Miguels guide the people into Machu Picchu and save them from Jenson’s thugs before rendezvousing with the Elder at the Yucatan peninsula.

The Trail ends with Elder Peta Ptaysanwee rescuing the large mass of refugees by allowing them to enter the Antarctica Temple.

The Elder’s weapons are his patience, bowl, a tuning fork, animals and his understanding of the prophecies that are meant to guide the innocent, poor and meek into their future home of Fifth World.

Start from the beginning and end at the beginning.


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